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Onondaga County health report highlights key health issues

Funny and Witty Rewrite of Onondaga County Health Commissioner Discusses Serious Health Issues


From treating sexually transmitted diseases to tackling substance abuse-related issues, Onondaga County Health Commissioner Dr. Kathryn Anderson takes on the tough topics in the latest health report. Let’s take a closer look at what she had to say!

STDs Run Rampant on the Rise

It’s our worst nightmare, isn’t it? Anderson stated that the number of reported cases of STD’s the county is seeing are skyrocketing. With gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis all up, especially in young people, Anderson urges that folks get tested and take action to stop the spread of the infections.

Opioids Remain a Challenge

Sadly, despite efforts to curb the opioid crisis, it continues to be a serious problem for the county. Anderson says that increasing access to treatments like naloxone and medication-assisted therapies, particularly in rural areas, is essential for reducing opioid overdoses.


In her findings, Dr. Anderson provides us with a clear picture of the health threats we are facing in Onondaga County. Taking preventative measures and having access to the right care can help protect the community and keep us safe.


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