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Discovering Extinct Species DNA: Utilizing Ancient Relevance for Modern Business Plans


Humans are finding new and creative ways to utilize the ancient DNA of extinct species for modern day business plans. Through the decades, technological advancements have allowed us to uncover and learn new things about our natural environment – this knowledge has now become beneficial to our entrepreneurial endeavours.

DNA Sequencing Offers Insight

Genetic engineering has recently offered business owners and entrepreneurs a glimpse into the long-lost genetics of some of the world’s most beloved extinct species, including woolly mammoths, dodo birds, passenger pigeons and Neanderthals. Through the process of extracting and sequencing the ancient DNA of fossils, businesses have gained a unique source of insight and inspiration.

Analyzing Ancient Genes Paves Way for New Ventures

By studying the genetic code of extinct species, businesses and entrepreneurs have been able to gain a better understanding of how those species lived, and how their genetics differed from modern-day species. This newfound knowledge can be used to fuel future ventures, considering the varying properties these ancient DNA specimens have to offer.


Through the sequencing of extinct species DNA, businesses and entrepreneurs have been provided with an untapped source of knowledge and inspiration. Analyzing and understanding the genetic code of these species has opened up a wealth of possibilities, providing the modern entrepreneur with a unique way of understanding prehistoric genomes.


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