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A look at Cleveland County’s health rankings

Unveiling Health in Cleveland County, North Carolina: How Does the County Stand in the North Carolina Health Rankings?


Are you curious to uncover how the health in Cleveland County compares to that of other counties in North Carolina? This article will explore the latest health rankings in Cleveland County and provide insight into where this rural county stands in terms of health outcomes and factors.

How Does Cleveland County Place in North Carolina Health Rankings?

The 2018 County Health Rankings & Roadmaps report showed that Cleveland County ranked 33rd out of 100 counties in the state. Generally, the 33rd rank reflects Cleveland County’s relative strengths and weaknesses when comparing health outcomes. Although it does not seem high, this rank is quite remarkable since Cleveland County is a rural community with unique health challenges.

The report also showed that Cleveland County performed quite well in terms of health factors, with a 26th rank in the state. Health factors measure things like the community’s health behaviors, access to care, and the economic and social circumstances in the county. Further, Cleveland County had its highest ranking in the clinical care section, where it ranked 11th in terms of access to healthcare and health insurance. Interestingly, Cleveland County had its lowest ranking in the social and economic measurements, which assessed the educational attainment, employment rate, and quality of housing in the county.


All in all, Cleveland County scored a 33rd rank out of 100 counties in North Carolina health rankings. While this ranking is not high, it indicates the strengths and weaknesses of a rural community. With its highest ranking in the clinical care section and its lowest in the social and economic section, we can see the specific issues faced by Cleveland County in terms of health.


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