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Colorado places mental health facility on second serious designation in 6 months

Johnstown Heights Behavioral Health Receives Second “Immediate Jeopardy”


Johnstown Heights Behavioral Health, a mental health hospital, has become subject to the most serious designation the state can issue- “immediate jeopardy”. In this article, we discuss why this matters and the consequences of the designation.

The Need for Immediate Jeopardy Designations

Mental health institutions, home health providers, hospices, skilled nursing facilities, and other health care establishments which use funding from the federal government’s Centers for Medicaid Services are all subject to stringent standards. If the standards are not met, the institution can be issued the “immediate jeopardy” designation. This places significant restrictions on an institution’s ability to access federal funds.

The immediate jeopardy designation is in place to protect the citizens served by the institution. If the institution does not meet the standards for safety, the designation immediately acts as a “red flag” placed by state regulators to alert the public to a dangerous or deficient situation.

Johnstown Heights Behavioral Health had its first immediate jeopardy designation in 2015 due to an incident in which a suicidal patient fatally injured herself. The second designation came after the state found that the hospital was in violation of a wide range of federal standards, such as the policy requiring hospitals to keep patients safe, secure, and receiving the proper medical treatment and oversight.

Consequences of the Immediate Jeopardy Designation

Because of the severity of the designation, the hospital has already begun to feel the consequences of the designation. Not only have they had to hire an independent consultant to help assess the situation, but they have also had to take measures such as reducing staffing and limiting admitting of patients.

Johnstown Heights Behavioral Health will have to submit a complete plan of corrective action then prove to the state that they are working toward meeting all federal standards. Until then, they will remain subject to the “immediate jeopardy” designation.


The “immediate jeopardy” designation issued to Johnstown Heights Behavioral Health is the state’s most serious warning for a mental health hospital, and it serves as an emergency call to both the institution and the public that something dangerous is occurring and needs to be addressed. It comes with significant consequences, and only when the state is satisfied that the facility is meeting all relevant standards will it be taken away.


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