HomeHealthCounty commissioners opt in...

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Time To Grow: Appointing More Members To The Health Board


The health board of a city or county is responsible for creating and implementing health policy, and is required to maintain a certain number of members to keep their responsibilities current and effective. However, a recent change has created a need for the board to grow in size by two additional members, which has sparked an appeal from the board itself for candidates qualified to serve.

Board Must Grow by Two Members

This city or county’s health board is currently composed of seven members, however recent changes to the health policy have necessitated the board to grow to nine members. As a result, the board requires the appointment of two extra members to reflect the new health policy regulations and guidelines.

Seeking Two Qualified Individuals

In order to appoint these two additional board members, the existing board are searching for two individuals who have the necessary qualifications to serve as health board members. This entails having relevant experience in health policy and a clear understanding of the board’s responsibilities. The board is also actively encouraging more diversity in its selection process, as well as those with fresh perspectives on health policy.


The health board of this city or county is in need of two new members to help it operate effectively and support growth in the health department. If you feel you have the qualifications necessary and would like to be considered for the position, contact the health board directly and submit your details or CV. Make sure to show your qualifications and experiences so that the board can better consider your application.


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