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Dannette Smith, CEO of Nebraska Health and Human Services, resigns

Making a Positive Impact: How Courtney Smith’s Leadership is Transforming Nebraska DHHS


Courtney Smith has been a driving force behind the advancements seen at the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in Nebraska since she took the helm of the department in 2019. This article will go into detail about Smith’s contributions and the positive and lasting impacts she has had on the state of Nebraska.

Public Safety is Paramount

Smith and her team have taken the public safety of Nebraska to a whole new level, particularly with the introduction of a consolidated dispatch center. This center handles all emergency calls throughout various counties while providing more accurate and timely emergency response from DHS.

Under Smith’s leadership, the state has also seen a remarkable decrease in the amount of reported abuse and neglect cases due to increased access to preventive care for those in vulnerable populations. In addition, access to mental health services and resources for trauma victims have also been improved.

Making Health Care Solutions

Smith has made significant improvements to the state’s health care system while in office. This includes expanded primary care access, improved connections between hospitals, physicians, and primary care providers, and greater funding for rural health care.

These strides have all been achieved as a result of increased Medicaid coverage, additional resources and training for health care workers, and increased funding for health care initiatives. Smith’s determination to improve health care in the state of Nebraska will surely have lasting effects for the population.


Courtney Smith has been a champion for change since day one at the DHHS in Nebraska. From implementing a consolidated dispatch center to improving health care in the state, Smith has left an undeniable mark on DHHS within the state. Her accomplishments are largely responsible for the successes of DHHS and she will undoubtedly continue to be the driving force behind the growth of the department.


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