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Everything You Need to Know About Happiness!

Happiness is about having a positive outlook on life. Happiness does not come from external sources; it comes from within ourselves and is something we can choose to have every single day, even in the most difficult of situations.

It is a state of mind, a choice we make based on our thoughts, actions, and reactions. It’s not something that happens to us; it’s something we create with each decision we make every day.

To Be Happy, First Figure out What Makes You Unhappy!

To become happier, you need to figure out what makes you unhappy. To do this, it’s helpful to take a self-assessment that will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, values, beliefs, and priorities. 

Once you know these things about yourself, it’ll help you figure out what will make you happy.

For example: Maybe you have a lot of friends, but none of them are close enough for you to open up to when you’re feeling sad or upset. 

Maybe they don’t understand your situation to tell you that everything will be okay when it isn’t. Which is upsetting, RIGHT?

Put, by becoming more open about our feelings with others without judgment whatsoever (including ourselves). This way, everyone knows what’s happening inside each other’s heads, so there isn’t any confusion between them anymore. 

So, be aware of what makes you upset and unhappy!

Think about What You Appreciate in Life!

One of the best ways to practice gratitude is by making a list of things you appreciate in your life. 

You can write down anything—from food to family, from friends to pets—and be thoughtful about how these things have affected your life.

If you’re feeling stuck on what to include on this list, start with the following questions:

  • What do I feel grateful for?
  • What makes me happy?
  • What makes me feel good?
  • What does love look like in my life right now?
  • How am I special/unique/different from other people in my life right now?

To Be Happy, Be Mindful About What You Think and Do! 

Happiness is about what you think about. If you’re thinking about your favorite book, a great movie, or the delicious dinner you ate last night… you’re happy! 

Happiness is also about what you do. If you go for a walk in the park and enjoy the beautiful weather, well…now that’s happiness! Happiness is also about what people believe in. 

If someone believes that eating chocolate helps them feel better when they’re sad (it does!), eating some chocolate might make them happy! Happiness can come from feeling certain emotions, like joy or joyousness or exhilaration when something exciting happens (like winning an award at work).

Finally, happiness comes from doing nice things for other people and yourself! It’s been proven that kindness makes us happier because it makes us feel good inside by helping others out (even if they don’t know it). 

So next time someone needs help with anything around their house, offer your services with no strings attached!

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