HomeHealthFor the intersex community,...

For the intersex community, ‘Every Body’ exists on a spectrum

Intersex People Can No Longer Wait to Be Seen: The Inspiring Activism of Alicia Roth Weigel


Alicia Roth Weigel is an inspiring activist for the intersex community, who puts her voice and platform forward to ensure that the stories of those who identify as such are heard in the world. Julie Cohen’s documentary shines a light on Alicia and two other intersex activists, helping to reveal a community which has too long been overlooked. Intersex is an umbrella term which covers any person whose anatomy or physiology do not neatly fit into a gender binary box. Weigel is determined to increase awareness of the intersex community and bring about necessary changes to help those affected.

What Does it Mean to Be Intersex?

Intersex, as explained by Weigel, is an umbrella term for people whose “anatomy doesn’t fit super neatly into a binary box.” This means that the person’s genitalia, hormones, chromosomes, or reproductive organs do not correspond to fixed social definitions of male and female. As a result, they are usually assigned a gender at birth which they may not be comfortable with. Though this is, unfortunately, still a common practice, many other healthcare procedures now recognize the importance of allowing intersex people to make decisions for themselves regarding their own bodies and gender identities.

Weigel’s Efforts to Advocate for the Intersex Community

Weigel has spent years working as an advocate for the intersex community, fighting for their right to bodily autonomy and self-determination. She has worked to educate people on what it means to be intersex, and to reduce stigma and discrimination against those who identify as such. Weigel is also a vocal advocate for medically necessary surgeries that intersex people should receive the autonomy to choose for themselves. Recently, Alicia, and two others, were profiled by Julie Cohen in her new documentary, “Intersex People Can No Longer Wait to Be Seen.”


Alicia Roth Weigel is a trailblazer, advocating for the rights of the intersex community for years. Her passionate activism has helped to bring awareness of this community and its issues to the public discourse. In Julie Cohen’s documentary, Alicia and two other intersex activists are profiled, helping to ensure that the stories of those who identify as such are heard in the world.


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