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How Long Does a Spiritual Awakening Last?

Spiritual awakening is a journey of self-discovery. It can be a time full of ups and downs, but it’s also an exciting process that can bring you closer to yourself and the world around you.

In this article, we’ll look at how long spiritual awakenings last, what they’re like, and what steps you can take to make them easier.

What is Spiritual Awakening?

A spiritual awakening is a major shift in your awareness, energy, and understanding. You suddenly realize that there is more to life than just your physical body. 

It can be scary because it means letting go of the idea that our lives are limited to what we see and experience through our five senses. When you have an awakening, you start seeing things as they are—not as they appear to be on the surface.

A spiritual experience may also happen during this time; however, it’s different from a full awakening because it doesn’t last long enough to fully adapt to its effects or make any lasting changes in your life or belief system. 

A true spiritual awakening will last at least six months before fading away again (and sometimes longer).

How Long Does a Spiritual Awakening Last?

A spiritual awakening is a life-changing event, and it can take time to process. Many people find that their spiritual awakening happens gradually over several years. A common misconception is that all of a sudden, one day, everything will change, but this isn’t always the case.

Instead, it’s more likely that your path will unfold gradually over time as you work through certain issues or challenges that arise along your journey.

The First Stage of Spiritual Awakening: The Clarity and Joy

The first stage of the spiritual awakening process is marked by a sense of inner peace, joy, and freedom. 

It’s a time when you feel clear-headed, connected to yourself and others, loving and compassionate towards humanity. You may also experience feelings of gratitude for being alive and having this opportunity to experience life fully. 

This stage can seem overwhelming at times, but it’s important to recognize that these are normal aspects of the awakening process.

You might even notice an increased flow state during this time—a feeling similar to being in the zone where everything seems effortless (and perhaps even magical), where things just work out as they should without any effort!

The Second Stage of Spiritual Awakening: The Crisis

It’s important to understand that the second stage is not just a phase that you go through—it’s a period of intense struggle. 

It can be so difficult for some that they may consider ending their lives. The feelings of isolation and loneliness are often accompanied by guilt and shame, which can feel unbearable for some people.

You might experience anxiety attacks, panic attacks, fear of death, or depression. These feelings can make your life seem like an endless battle between your mind and body as your emotions take over everything else in your life. 

It’s important to remember this is normal; these symptoms are part of everyone’s journey when awakening spiritually!

The Third Stage of Spiritual Awakening: Integration, Healing and Transformation

The third stage of spiritual awakening is integrating, healing, and transforming your new self.

The first two stages are about clearing out old patterns that no longer serve you. In this third stage, you’re learning how to live with your new self as it emerges from all those old patterns.

Things can get tricky because even though you may feel like you’ve reached a higher consciousness level or tapped into some divine energy source, it doesn’t mean that everything will be perfect from here on out in life. 

There will still be challenges and difficulties along the way—and this is where the most important thing comes into play: learning how to love yourself unconditionally through them all!


You have it. You experienced a spiritual awakening. Now what?

It depends upon your unique situation, but it’s safe to say you can expect some changes in the following areas:

Emotional and Mental Health: Your emotions may become more intense, which can feel uncomfortable or even overwhelming at times. It’s important to be aware of any negative feelings such as fear or anger so that you don’t let them overtake your experience and lead you down a path you’re not ready for yet. 

If this happens for you, take some time for yourself until the emotion passes; try meditating or journaling about how you’re feeling until calm returns before continuing with your journey.

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