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Frustration-Fueled Freelancing: What You Need to Know About Digital Intrusion and Low Payouts


Do you dream of freelance writing but worry about low payouts and digital intrusion? Are you ready to start taking advantage of the growing freelance industry but hesitant about what you could potentially face? This article is a must-read to learn more about on how to navigate the freelance world.

Subheading 1: Frustration in the Freelance Business

Freelance writing is often seen as a dream job. The idea of working from home, setting your own hours, and creating content from the comfort of your own home can be a very attractive idea. However, the reality of the freelance world is often much different than what is portrayed in the media. Many freelance writers face competition for job placement, low payouts for their efforts and a general feeling of frustration when it comes to finding work.

Subheading 2: Digital Intrusion on Freelancing

In addition to the frustration that comes with the freelance business, freelancers also face digital intrusion. This comes in the form of tracking and data collecting across a variety of platforms (social media, websites, etc). This data collection can make it difficult to build relationships with clients as potential employers may be hesitant to hire someone that is constantly being tracked or surveyed.


Freelance writing is a very attractive proposition for many people due to the ability to set their own hours and work from home. However, freelance writing can also come with struggles. Low payouts and digital intrusion are the norm for many freelancers. If you’re looking to get into freelance writing, it’s important to understand the potential challenges that come with the job to be able to better prepare yourself.


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