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Importance of Mental Health for Minority Communities

Crazy Talk: Why Minority Mental Health Needs Our TLC in July and Beyond


This July, it is important for us to remember that our mental health is just as important as our physical health. In fact, a lack of adequate resources to support minority mental health is resulting in debilitating effects. To better understand the issue, I spoke with a psychologist specializing in minority mental health to learn how we can all do our part to help the cause.

The Grave Need for Mental Health Resources

Mental health resources are especially critical for minority communities. Recent research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that a variety of mental health issues are disproportionately affecting communities of color. For instance, racial and ethnic minorities are more likely than whites to experience psychological distress. Mental health challenges among minorities are also often left untreated due to a lack of access to services, an issue which needs to be addressed.

Why More Resources are Urgently Needed

My conversation with a psychologist specializing in minority mental health made it clear that resources and support for minority mental health issues are desperately needed. According to the psychologist, having access to quality mental health professionals, services, and supportive communities is essential in helping individuals manage and cope with mental health challenges. Mental health resources should also focus on the unique needs and experiences of minority communities in order to be effective.


As we continue to recognize Minority Mental Health Awareness Month this July, it is vital for us to address the need for more mental health services. Our mental health is just as important as our physical health and deserves thoughtful consideration. We must work to provide quality mental health services to further help minority communities.


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