HomeSpiritualityWhat are Spiritual Disciplines?

What are Spiritual Disciplines?

Spiritual disciplines are the practice of spiritual activities that help us grow in our relationship with God.  

In this article, we’ve discussed everything that will help you understand what spiritual disciplines are. 

So, keep reading on! 

What is Spiritual Discipline?

Spiritual disciplines, in short, are all the things we do to grow closer to God and learn how to love him more fully. 

We learn to recognize God’s presence in our lives through spiritual disciplines—like meditation, Scripture study, prayer, and fasting and experience his love for us.

These disciplines are not about earning God’s love or impressing our performance; they’re about learning what it means to love him back.


Prayer is the topmost important element of spiritual life. It’s the raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting good things from God.

We pray by speaking to God, but it doesn’t have to be elaborate or fancy—we can talk with Him as we would with a friend. It is called conversation prayer because we’re talking with Him like we would a friend.


Fasting is the voluntary abstaining from food. Since you’re no longer eating, fasting can help you focus on God and grow in faith, discipline, and self-control. 

Fasting is a spiritual discipline practiced by many religions, including Christianity and Islam. It’s also used to show your devotion to God by demonstrating how serious you are about following his teachings.


Meditation is a discipline that trains the mind to focus and redirect thoughts. 

It helps you reduce stress, increase self-awareness, keep perspective of yourself and others, and focus on the present moment.

There are many types of meditation: one popular form involves focusing on your breathing while sitting upright in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. 

Another type includes repeating a word or phrase repeatedly as you sit quietly in stillness (this can be done silently or out loud).


The discipline of spiritual disciplines is the key to growing closer to God and our neighbors. It is not only a means of personal growth but also helps us be more effective in our service for Christ. In this age of information overload, it’s easy for people to become overwhelmed by distractions. 

But what we need is not just better information management strategies or more productivity tips; we need a deeper understanding of how God works in us if we grow closer to him and others around us.

To summarize, spiritual disciplines are practices that help us know God better and hear from him more clearly so that we can serve others well in his name.

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